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Contents: Preface Introduction, Louise Craven Theme I Continuity and Change in the Archival Paradigm: From the archivist's cardigan to the very dead sheep: Archives are the documentary by-product of human activity retained for their long-term value. They are contemporary records created by individuals and. THE Dutch archivists, Muller, Feith, and Fruin, defined archives as. "written documents, drawings, and printed matter, officially received or. Records and Archives Management (International) and a post-graduate research including A Manual for Small Archives (1988), Archival Gold: Managing and. Archives—Processing. 2. Archival materials. 3. Cataloging of archival materials. I. Wilkerson,. Peter L. II. Warren, Susannepdf. • Report theft or vandalism to the police as soon as possible. • Contact the Sales Monitoring team at The National Archives to provide details of stolen
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